Sergio's blog: hints, ideas, pictures and news about SDS (and more) from the author

Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm back

...from a business trip that lasted a day more than expected. I was blocked in Paris by a snow storm that forced all passengers to spend one night in airport, and only yesterday I managed to come back via Madrid, but only very late in the evening.
I apologize to all people writing emails to me in these three days as I could answer just this morning or late yesterday night.


  1. Sergio, you don't have much luck with travel, do you? Lose your luggage coming back from America and Origins, and now have to spend a night in the airport!

  2. :)
    you may be right..
    However, considering how much I traveled, this is just the second night spent in an airport, so I consider myself lucky with this kind of problems..
