This was the first official SDS Tournament with the new (3.0) rules, already tested during the Tuscany Open Day some time ago. Even if I was not there, Marco said there were no problems and they finished as usual around 5.30 PM.
2° Gasbarri Marco 2046 pts
3° Tognozzi Andrea 907 pts
4° Frosini Simone 871 pts
5° Bartolucci Carlo 710 pts
6° Bagna Roberto 536 pts
7° Simoncini Filippo 522 pts
8° Gasbarri Giovanni 227 pts
Next (and last) 2011 tourney in Perugia during the Convention MAGNA CON PHERSU next november 20th.
For the title of Italian Champion, the struggle is now restricted to Marco Gasbarri (2010 Winner) and Alessandro Salini from the same Club (Compagnia della Chimera from Arezzo).
Well done Alessandro!!!