Monday, January 31, 2011
What's going on in my Lab
1) SDS Large Battles: going on with playtesting. The game works well, I'm just not satisfied with the Brigade and Divisional Morale rules. I know the result I want to achieve, but the mechanics are still to be refined...
2) Drums & Shakos Battalion level: this is something I've been thinking over since when 61-65 was released. If I succeed in creating these rules, players can go from squad fighting to large engagements with the same core rules. I wrote some basics, thinking in 15mm terms. A French battalion could be something around 24 bases (with 3 miniatures each), with single Company Commanders and the Chef de Battaillon with his Command Group.... More about this (I hope) soon.
3) Simple Campaign rules with no Referee. This is a game designed to play a Campaign in 3-4 sessions in double-blind. Battles are fought on the miniatures table, but the real focus is on the Strategic Management of your forces. First playtest of the Alpha version last week: great fun!
Please give me your opinions and as usual... stay tuned!
Friday, January 21, 2011
An interview with Marco (Italian SDS Champion)
Pushed by some interest perceived from this blog and private emails, I asked Marco Gasbarri (Italian SDS and FIW Champion) to briefly describe his style of play and strategy.
Here is what he wrote:
"Squad composition is surely the most important thing, and should be carefully planned according to your playing style. Being an aggressive player, I usually prefer Elite squads.
An example could be the following (Italian) squad I often use:
1 Italian Infantry Officer (54), 1 Italian drummer (16), 5 Italian Guard Velites (165) and 3 French Young Guards (165) for a Total of 400 points
Every turn I try to activate the Young Guards first (and that should not be a problem considering their Q) trying to keep them in cover, better if in a wood.
Then, I move forward the group of Velites, using any possible cover and keeping them always in command. The Officer must always be screened by the drummer.
After a couple of turns, I move the Young Guards in the area where the enemy Command group is deployed: the idea i sto engage the enemy in a close firefight with the Velites (C3), thus allowing the Young Guards to attack the enemy Officer or Standard Bearer.
When the YG attack, never let them alone, but follow them closely with the rest of the soldiers. Otherwise they would probably be killed in no time. This all out attack may expose your Officer, but it is a risk you have to take. A squad like this can win also without a Leader, but only if the enemy has been previously weakened.
Wrapping up:
Use cover
Protect your Officer
When you decide to attack, do it with all available soldiers
Enemy Officer and Standard Bearer are your priority targets
and – clearly – keep your musket loaded!
Good dice to everybody! Marco Gasbarri
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Pics from Carpi Tournament

2010 SDS Italian and FIW Champion, Marco started this new year with another victory. We are thinking to give him some money NOT to take part, or maybe a 2000 points handicap.....
Behind me the Ganesha Table with (extreme right) a pile of freshly printed copies of 61-65 in italian ;-)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Carpi Tournament Results
The Tournament was hosted by the CON "Gioca Carpi" and there were at least 3 other competitions ongoing (WH40K, Blood Bowl, Schutzengruppe). We had just 10 players this time, but considering the season - and the weather - that was ok I guess. Tourney started a bit late but we were able to close it on time (as usual at 5.00 PM).
The results just confirmed what happened in 2010: Arezzo caput mundi with first and second place, and 2010 SDS Italian Champion Marco Gasbarri won again (his score is now almost incredible: 19 W and 1 L), followed by Alessandro Salini (also from Arezzo) and Max Salvagnini (from Firenze). More about this (with pics) soon....
Friday, January 14, 2011
Last call for Tournament in Carpi (sunday)
We'll play with Tournament Rules version 2.3.3, which seem to be the one I'll keep as official from now on (with the exception of minor details). Tournament will start at 10:00 and everything should be over around 5:00 PM, as usual.
SDS Tournaments are valid for the FIW (Italian Wargames Federation) Championship, and we are very proud that last year's SDS Champion (Marco Gasbarri) also won the Italian FIW title.
For info on the Convention (italian language only, I fear...)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Pics from SDS Big Battle
The French launched some 14 squads to the assault, and more than half of them were eliminated (in game terms). The main purpose of the meeting was to enjoy ourselves, trying a big assault and using my "new house"...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Second SDS Big Battle session
During the first session, the French attack at the Palace was quite costly in term of losses, but squad after squad are coming up through the woods and one of them (my Grenadiers) reached the wall on the left side of the Palace, putting 2 ladders in place. Isolated French soldiers reached the big gate, and are now struck there trying to break it, but I think they'll need the help of the 4 Sappers that are still inside the woods with the French Commander.
During the week end I should be able to post the conclusion of this battle and some pics...
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy 2011!
This will be the year for further increasing the GG Historical product line with new games at skirmish level (up to 15 figures), company level (up to 100 figures) and bigger...... :)
I hope you'll follow us as you did since the very beginning.
Thank you for your support