Here they are: Marco Gasbarri (above) winning with 2555 points and 3 enemy Officers killed. Marco is already Italian DBA Champion for 2010, and now he's trying to win the FIW (Italian Wargames Federation) Cup which takes into account the results from 12 different games.

Carlo Bandini classified second with 1887 points, 3 won and 1 lost. We are very proud of him (he's from my club :)

David Casagrande got the third place with 1673 points and 1 enemy Officer killed, 2 won, 1 lost and 1 draw.

And finally, Paolo Blasi who won a bottle of Chianti wine for classifying "not exactly among the first" :)
Btw, I am the "other guy" in all pics, and you can see Andrea Sfiligoi at the extreme right in second and third pic.
More pics to come, but this time with miniatures!!
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