Saturday, February 27, 2010
1st SDS Tournament in Italy (Arezzo)
Il primo torneo di SDS avrà luogo ad Arezzo domenica 9 maggio presso il negozio Star Shop/Fumettopoli in via Piave 24. Iscrizione: 7 euro. Premi ai primi 3 classificati ed alla Squadra meglio dipinta. Sarà in vigore il Regolamento da Torneo versione 1.2 (che sarà prestissimo pubblicato qui e nel sito Ganesha Games). Squadre da 400 punti.
Maggiori dettagli prossimamente.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Con in La Spezia
scroll down and you'll see me playing (and the little girl - Paola - won her battle :)
The boys of WASP Club have organised a very nice (if small) meeting with a DBA Tournament valid for National DBA Championship.
I demoed SDS and played some games with already experienced players, and also discussed some Tournament rules with them.
BTW - it seems we'll have at least 4 tournaments in Italy till the end of the year. I'll keep you informed here in the blog.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Keeping fingers crossed...
I say should because I'm still not 100% and the weather is most unpleasant (cold and rain, would you call this "sunny Italy?").
Just as a side note, Roberto from WASP Club suggested a British Marine squad a short time ago. Pushed by his suggestion (and by my Hornblower movies and books) I bought some very nice Steve Barber models (28mm) to build a British landing party. As soon as I'll have them painted I'll post the pics here.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Just couldn't put two words together... Starting to recovery now, and tomorrow back to work. Not a great start for this february...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A new French Squad
While trying the Tournament Rules, I came up with the following French squad, and it performed very well in a couple of occasions (but it was completely destroyed in a third). I thought it could be interesting to post it here.
French Mixed Squad
1 Infantry Officer, 1 Infantry NCO, 1 Drummer, 1 Standard bearer, 2 Line Grenadiers, 2 Cuirassiers. Total points 404.
The key to success is a wise use of the 2 Cuirassiers, that can give you victory if you spare them for a very crucial task, or defeat if you launch them forward without support (which is exactly what happened when this squad was badly beaten). In Tournament play, being the defender with this squad will require a table with some heavy cover in the middle (to let the infantry advance) and as much as possible open flanks, to exploit the speed of the cavalrymen.
If the opponent is the defender, he’ll probably use some woods to be protected from cavalry charges. If he does so, use the NCO and the 2 Grenadiers to attack him into the woods.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Tournament Rules
I'm also very happy for the release of the last (and long waited) game of Ganesha: Flying Lead was released during the night and is enjoying a great success out there. For those of you who don't know FL, it is the GG skirmish game for all sort of clashes from - say - 1870 on...
Flying Lead is sold with 2 different cover design: one more *historical* (with a couple of WWII soldiers in the foreground) and one more *pulp* with some shooters on it, representing different kind of fighters (there's a couple of wonderful ladies also).
Rich Jones and Andrea Sfiligoi wrote the rules, look for more info in Ganesha Games website (link below).
Friday, February 5, 2010
I'll be back soon
Sorry and stay tuned..